Groundhog Day… Groundhog Day…

For the shortest month of the year, it sure did feel like the longest.

For the shortest month of the year, it sure did feel like the longest. There were definitely some memorable moments. In case you missed any of them, we got you covered.

Black History Month

The month of February is celebrated as Black History Month across the United States. This year, many social media platforms amplified Black voices by encouraging users to share their stories across the nation and the world. From launching a series of educational videos and programs on Facebook to #ShareBlackStories on Instagram, the ways to speak out and speak up were endless. It was a wonderful opportunity for people of all ethnicities to educate themselves on the lived experiences of others.

#FreeBritney Movement

On February 4, The New York Times released its latest documentary, Framing Britney Spears, on Hulu and FX. It tells the story of the infamous pop star’s legal battles over her conservatorship, which was granted to her father 13 years ago. The documentary gives viewers insight into what the pop icon is experiencing with her ongoing fight for freedom. Since it first aired, many fans across social media have begun calling out the people they believe were responsible—members of the media, Britney’s family, and others—urging them to apologize for their part in what happened in 2007.

Super Bowl 2021

On February 7, Super Bowl LV took place in Tampa, Florida, with the Kansas City Chiefs facing the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Bucs were crowned champions with a 31-9 victory, giving Tom Brady his seventh Super Bowl ring. Many viewers found everything about the game underwhelming, including The Weeknd’s Halftime Show as well as the ads that ran during the game. Wha whaaaa.

The Second Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump

Over the course of February 9–February 13, our nation witnessed the second impeachment trial of former President Donald J. Trump—this time as a result of inciting an insurrection. After a dramatic week inside the Senate chamber, the former President was acquitted…again. Despite the acquittal, this was the most bipartisan impeachment vote ever, with seven Republican senators voting to convict, along with 50 of their Democratic colleagues. The final vote of 57–43 was 10 short of the 67 votes needed for a ⅔ majority that would have resulted in a conviction and barring of the former President from ever holding office again.

Maybe March Will Be Lucky?

February wasn’t necessarily a bad month, but it sure did feel like Groundhog Day. (But hasn’t every month felt like that since quarantining began?) Next month marks the one-year anniversary of lockdowns and working from home. Who’s to say what will come!?



