Around here, we are a lot of things, but short on personality is not one of them! To prove it, each ANDERSON team member recently took the “Enneagram,” a personality test that outlines patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. It is composed of nine different personality types.
The belief is that people are born with a dominant personality type that can then be shaped by environmental factors and experiences.
Through the Enneagram, you can learn about a person’s key motivations, which can be helpful in the workplace, as it allows us to understand and gain greater empathy for each other.
Interestingly, of the nine different Enneagram personalities, our team has only four of them: Enneagram 3, 7, 8 & 9.
Let’s take a look at the results!
ANDERSON Team Personalities
Enneagram 3: The Achiever
Ted, Sara, Matt, Allie, Amy, and Rowan
We have A LOT of 3s in our group, which is great because 3s are the overachievers!
- Goal Setters
- Motivated
- Adaptable
- Practical
- Type 3s are energetic and make decisions quickly. They thrive in work environments that allow them to make authoritative decisions and work autonomously. They work best in environments where they can set and work towards goals. They love to meet new people and are highly sociable.
- Type 3’s are highly competitive and may sometimes appear to be impatient or overly critical. They can easily overwork themselves to get to their goals. When working with a 3, allow for aggressive exchanges while staying on track with goals. Remind them that successful results can come with many different styles, and that people are important.
Enneagram 7: The Enthusiast
Lauren and Austin
- Goal-Oriented
- Problem-Solving
- Adaptable
- Sociable
- Type 7s are extroverted and enthusiastic. Sevens love bringing people together and are great at networking and socializing. They have the ability to learn new skills quickly and can easily handle changes in plans. Sevens tend to be quick and creative thinkers who enjoy brainstorming and thrive in roles that let them wear many hats. Sevens love variety and prefer juggling multiple projects at once.
- 7s need the freedom to work independently or they can feel demotivated. 7s struggle with strict schedules and not having options. Sevens don’t like long meetings and prefer to have objectives and purposes of the meeting prepared in advance.
Enneagram 8: The Challenger
- Assertive
- Decisive
- Resourceful
- Straight-talking
- Type 8s often make great leaders. They tend to thrive in authoritative positions where they can take charge and lead others. Eights are able to express themselves directly and act quickly and decisively. Defensive and protective of their people and team, they make fair and logical decisions, and are upfront and direct. They like to feel respected and appreciate being asked to weigh in on a decision. Their peers often look to them as a leader.
- Eights feel drained when they are ignored or overlooked. They do not like dealing with overly emotional situations or being controlled by others. Eights do not like casual conversation and prefer clear and concise email communication.
Enneagram 9: The Peacemaker
Adri and Maddy
- Supportive
- Adaptable
- Calm
- Open-minded
- Type 9s have the ability to see multiple perspectives and are supportive and reassuring to the people around them. They are open-minded and adaptable. They are great at mediating conflict with others. Nines bring harmony to their environment and work best alone or with small groups. Nines bring stability and peace to their space. The most important thing for a Type Nine to experience at work is harmony. Nines do not like conflict or negative situations. When communicating with a 9, be clear and precise while also leaving room for small talk and personal connection.
- 9s do not like pressure. If they don’t feel properly supported they will shut down. When giving a 9 feedback, avoid being overly negative or critical; express growth areas as opportunities rather than flaws.