Get to Know Amy

​​The Go-Getter
There’s a new member of the ANDERSON Team!

Summer Has Come and Gone

Wake me up when September ends….we are back again to break down any pop culture or newsworthy content you might have missed.
Marvel Saves the Box Office
The 25th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was released on September 3 to very positive reviews from critics and the general public.

Behind the Mask

If you’ve ever felt like you’re out of place or you don’t really know what you’re doing, you might have a case of Imposter Syndrome. Psychology Today states that people with Imposter Syndrome, “believe that they are undeserving of their achievements and are not as intelligent as others might think.” Essentially, it’s when we convince ourselves that our successes are based on luck, timing, and other factors out of our control—instead of realizing that we are responsible for making it happen.