ANDERSON Brand Breakthrough

Branding: 0% guesswork. 100% hard work. Ask any marketing firm or ad agency what they do and there’s a good chance “branding” will top the list.

Branding: 0% guesswork. 100% hard work.

Ask any marketing firm or ad agency what they do and there’s a good chance “branding” will top the list. They’ll throw around terms like “strategic plan” and “competitive analysis,” all while assuring you that your ROI will be through the roof. But will they actually outline exactly how their branding process works?

We will.

Our tried-and-true system was developed by the ANDERSON team and honed over the years to deliver great results for our clients. We call it our Brand Breakthrough and it includes five distinct phases.


Dig in

Let’s do this. We start by analyzing your business, organizational culture, industry, trends, challenges, customers and competitors.

Plan our attack

Using what we’ve learned, our team develops a marketing strategy that fine-tunes your message and identifies tactics for reaching your customers.

Make it happen

We bring your strategy to life with expertly-crafted creative across a media mix that captures, engages and moves your audience to take action.

Bring it home

The fun part: Rolling out our shrewdly-coordinated effort. Your target market won’t know what hit them.

Get real

Time for the rubber to meet the road. An obsession with analytics allows us to evaluate performance and measure results, making any necessary adjustments and optimizing for continuous improvement.


We are your can-do, go-to marketing experts who get the job done. ANDERSON offers an exceptional level of service and a collaborative approach that puts our entire team at your disposal.


The bottom line: We deliver.

Ready to talk branding? Let’s connect.


