Laura Girard

Director of Media Services

Laura is the genius behind ANDERSON’s media/digital strategy, a multi-talented executive with a broad range of experience in traditional and emerging media. She strategically leads all media/digital marketing initiatives for ANDERSON’s clients while supervising the media team. Her career in television, research, marketing, and digital strategy gives her a comprehensive understanding of the media landscape and unique insight into opportunities for advancing our clients’ businesses. Outside of work, she and her husband, Jake, are raising two amazing kids: Brooks and Dylan. Laura is hands down the coolest working supermom in that school pickup line.

Laura is the genius behind ANDERSON’s media/digital strategy, a multi-talented executive with a broad range of experience in traditional and emerging media. She strategically leads all media/digital marketing initiatives for ANDERSON’s clients while supervising the media team. Her career in television, research, marketing, and digital strategy gives her a comprehensive understanding of the media landscape and unique insight into opportunities for advancing our clients’ businesses. Outside of work, she and her husband, Jake, are raising two amazing kids: Brooks and Dylan. Laura is hands down the coolest working supermom in that school pickup line.

"Never settle for less than

you deserve."